
Have you ever find the life is so harsh and think about quitting? Below is a satisfied medicine, welcome

Some comes just to teach us some lessons. Some teaches us how strong we are to exit, some teaches us how helpless we are to fight back stronger, some comes to prove us how weaker we are. What really matters is how we take all the ups' and downs' to beautify our lives.

I am Coke sure this inspiration will change your heart, Almighty can change the mind and the heart of a person.

Whatever you are going through in life, pray. When you think you're done, pray again. When the world is a sleep, pray. Remember, prayers not only changes things, it changes peoples" heart and that in turn can change your circumstances. So pray it, then prepare for it.

josphatinspirational quo

Whatever you do, your actions are not limited to yourself but the entire world. One small act of kindness can intiate a chain reaction that has the potential to cover the whole world, so don't feel powerless. You are more than you think you are. All the good you've done no matter how small, will come back to you. So don't dispair but give generously, act with kindness it's contagious. Do things with a pure heart and leave the rest to the Almighty. He's All-knowing!

josphatinspirational quo

People come in and out of your life for a reason.Nothing is by accident. It's part of Almighty's plan . Everyone will teach you a lesson, good or bad, it's up to you to decipher it. Not everyone you lose is a loss , wait patiently and see what He has in store for you!

Finding motivation quo

Any good deed, no matter how small it may be, can bring so much benefits especially when it is emulated by others.  On top of hastening to do good deeds the sake of Almighty,it is encouraged to share good with others, even if it is the form of knowledge.

May Almighty guide and help us all to do good deeds for everyone.


Yo have to manage your expectations if you don't want to be disappointed
